
The first institution-agnostic, year-round life sciences research funding program for undergrads.

Apply Here

Due July 28th, 11:59pm PDT (EXTENDED!)


The first institution-agnostic, year-round life sciences research funding program for undergrads.

Apply Here

Due July 28th, 11:59pm PDT (EXTENDED!)


The first institution-agnostic, year-round life sciences research funding program for undergrads.

Apply Here

Due July 28th, 11:59pm PDT (EXTENDED!)

Undergrads are undersupported in research. Let’s change that.

Undergrads are undersupported in research. Let’s change that.

DojoGrants is an initiative run by Nucleate Dojo, designed to financially enable U.S. and Canadian undergrads to pursue life sciences-related research opportunities in U.S.-based labs and institutes. Applications and Host Lab Authorization Forms for the 2024-2025 academic year were extended and are now due July 28th at 11:59PM PDT.

Note: As an acknowledgement of the obstacles that underrepresented students in STEM face when pursuing research opportunities, students who identify within these groups will still need to submit an application by July 28th, but have until Aug 4th at 11:59pm PDT to successfully obtain and submit a Host Lab Authorization Form separately.

Nucleate Dojo’s mission towards improving undergrad biotech education and involvement has led it to commit attention to undergraduate research opportunities. In 2022, we surveyed a diverse group of 80+ undergrads to find that while research experiences are of high demand, 37% of students face financial barriers in pursuing them, as most of these opportunities are either unpaid or severely underpaid. Our mission is to disrupt this paradigm and empower any undergrad, regardless of their circumstance, to work on exciting problems in science.

DojoGrants is an initiative run by Nucleate Dojo, designed to financially enable U.S. and Canadian undergrads to pursue life sciences-related research opportunities in U.S.-based labs and institutes. Applications and Host Lab Authorization Forms for the 2024-2025 academic year were extended and are now due July 28th at 11:59PM PDT.

Note: As an acknowledgement of the obstacles that underrepresented students in STEM face when pursuing research opportunities, students who identify within these groups will still need to submit an application by July 28th, but have until Aug 4th at 11:59pm PDT to successfully obtain and submit a Host Lab Authorization Form separately.

Nucleate Dojo’s mission towards improving undergrad biotech education and involvement has led it to commit attention to undergraduate research opportunities. In 2022, we surveyed a diverse group of 80+ undergrads to find that while research experiences are of high demand, 37% of students face financial barriers in pursuing them, as most of these opportunities are either unpaid or severely underpaid. Our mission is to disrupt this paradigm and empower any undergrad, regardless of their circumstance, to work on exciting problems in science.

DojoGrants is an initiative run by Nucleate Dojo, designed to financially enable U.S. and Canadian undergrads to pursue life sciences-related research opportunities in U.S.-based labs and institutes. Applications are open until July 15th at 11:59PM PDT for grants to support research over the 2023-2024 academic year starting September 2023.

Nucleate Dojo’s mission towards improving undergrad biotech education and involvement has led it to commit attention to undergraduate research opportunities. In 2022, we surveyed a diverse group of 80+ undergrads to find that while research experiences are of high demand, 37% of students face financial barriers in pursuing them, as most of these opportunities are either unpaid or severely underpaid. Our mission is to disrupt this paradigm and empower any undergrad, regardless of their circumstance, to work on exciting problems in science.

Funding, for all undergrad researchers 

Funding, for all undergrad researchers 

You choose a research area and lab you’re excited about, and we’ll fund you. We don’t care about grades, previous research experience, or recommendation letters; instead, we want to support students who are boundlessly curious, self-motivated, ambitious, and can go far with our grants to accelerate their career in biotech and/or life science. 

We aim to even out the playing field for everyone, regardless of your circumstance. We’re committed to supporting students who are low-income and/or identifying in underrepresented minority groups, who otherwise may not have the opportunity to pursue research.

You choose a research area and lab you’re excited about, and we’ll fund you. We don’t care about grades, previous research experience, or recommendation letters; instead, we want to support students who are boundlessly curious, self-motivated, ambitious, and can go far with our grants to accelerate their career in biotech and/or life science. 

We aim to even out the playing field for everyone, regardless of your circumstance. We’re committed to supporting students who are low-income and/or identifying in underrepresented minority groups, who otherwise may not have the opportunity to pursue research.

Our Awards

Our Awards

DojoGrant Research Award

DojoGrant Research Award

General grant for undergraduate life sciences or biotech research projects, open to anyone. All awards will be variable up to $8000 USD, but on average, we award $5000 USD for part-time research over the academic year or full-time research over a semester.

General grant for undergraduate life sciences or biotech research projects, open to anyone. All awards will be variable up to $8000 USD, but on average, we award $5000 USD for part-time research over the academic year or full-time research over a semester.

Black Students in Biotech Research Award

Black Students in Biotech Research Award

Specialized DojoGrant for Black students, especially those from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Specialized DojoGrant for Black students, especially those from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Latinx Students in Biotech Research Award

Latinx Students in Biotech Research Award

Specialized DojoGrant for Hispanic/LatinX students.

Specialized DojoGrant for Hispanic/LatinX students.

Indigenous Students in Biotech Research Award

Indigenous Students in Biotech Research Award

Specialized DojoGrant for self-identified Indigenous students, especially those from Tribal colleges.

Specialized DojoGrant for self-identified Indigenous students, especially those from Tribal colleges.

Canadian Bioinnovation Research Award

Canadian Bioinnovation Research Award

Specialized DojoGrant for Canadian students to conduct research in the U.S.

Specialized DojoGrant for Canadian students to conduct research in the U.S.

How to Apply

How to Apply

For a detailed overview of how to apply and our advice on finding a lab position, view our 2023 webinar recording on YouTube or our 2024 webinar recording on Zoom.

Who can apply?

For a detailed overview of how to apply and our advice on finding a lab position, view our 2023 webinar recording on YouTube or our 2024 webinar recording on Zoom.

Who can apply?

  • Undergraduate students (currently enrolled, gap year, or co-op) intending to pursue a life sciences or biotech-related academic research internship/project hosted by a U.S.-based university or institute.

  • For this cycle, we are only accepting applications for all awards from undergraduates who are Canadian citizens, U.S. citizens / permanent residents, and/or U.S. student visa holders (F, J, M, Q).

  • It is not necessary for applicants to have prior research experience.

  • Research experiences must occur over the 2024-2025 academic year. Although the start date for the research project is flexible, the project itself should last for at least 6 months for part-time hours (~10-20 hours/week) or at least 4 months for full-time hours (~40 hours/week).

  • Applicants should be able to regularly engage in in-person lab activity.

  • There is a particular emphasis on undergraduates who face financial obstacles that prevent them from participating in research. Candidates will be asked in the application to demonstrate this financial need. 

  • Undergraduate students (currently enrolled, gap year, or co-op) intending to pursue a life sciences or biotech-related academic research internship/project hosted by a U.S.-based university or institute.

  • For this cycle, we are only accepting applications for all awards from undergraduates who are Canadian citizens, U.S. citizens / permanent residents, and/or U.S. student visa holders (F, J, M, Q).

  • It is not necessary for applicants to have prior research experience.

  • Research experiences must occur over the 2024-2025 academic year. Although the start date for the research project is flexible, the project itself should last for at least 6 months for part-time hours (~10-20 hours/week) or at least 4 months for full-time hours (~40 hours/week).

  • Applicants should be able to regularly engage in in-person lab activity.

  • There is a particular emphasis on undergraduates who face financial obstacles that prevent them from participating in research. Candidates will be asked in the application to demonstrate this financial need. 

Selection criteria

Selection criteria

  • We are looking for candidates who have clear and ambitious goals in the life sciences or biotech field and can articulate how DojoGrants will enable them to achieve those goals.

  • By the time of application, candidates must also have sourced a research position at a university or institute and be prepared to share more about the proposed research project. 

  • Special consideration will go toward translational and applied life sciences research projects that can directly benefit human health or the bioeconomy.

  • Award amounts are variable (up to $8000 USD and on average, $5000 USD) and are determined by the applicant's requested amount, financial need, socioeconomic circumstance, duration and hours of research experience, and geographic location of the lab.

  • We are looking for candidates who have clear and ambitious goals in the life sciences or biotech field and can articulate how DojoGrants will enable them to achieve those goals.

  • By the time of application, candidates must also have sourced a research position at a university or institute and be prepared to share more about the proposed research project. 

  • Special consideration will go toward translational and applied life sciences research projects that can directly benefit human health or the bioeconomy.

  • Award amounts are variable (up to $8000 USD and on average, $5000 USD) and are determined by the applicant's requested amount, financial need, socioeconomic circumstance, duration and hours of research experience, and geographic location of the lab.

Research projects

Research projects

What counts as a life sciences/biotech research project? According to National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH):

  • Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences

  • Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

  • Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry

Special consideration will go toward translational and applied life sciences research projects that can directly benefit human health or the bioeconomy.

What counts as a life sciences/biotech research project? According to National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH):

  • Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences

  • Genetics and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

  • Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry

Special consideration will go toward translational and applied life sciences research projects that can directly benefit human health or the bioeconomy.

Application requirements

Application requirements

  • Personal information, including:

    • Year, university, and field of study

    • Expected graduation date

    • Demographic information

  • An uploaded and signed Host Lab Authorization Form, agreed upon by the research supervisor of the lab that you intend to join. The purpose of this letter is to:

    • Expand upon your project goals, expected roles and responsibilities, dates/time commitment of the research experience.

    • Affirm that funding from DojoGrants will not conflict with institutional policies or a student's ability to receive course credit.

    • Note: As an acknowledgement of the obstacles that underrepresented students in STEM face when pursuing research opportunities, this prerequisite will be waived for students identifying in underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. Candidates are still welcome to submit an application, and additionally have until Aug 4th at 11:59pm PDT to successfully obtain and submit a host lab authorization form separately.

  • An uploaded PDF of completed written response questions.

  • An outline of requested funding amount and details of your financial circumstance.

Preview all of the application questions here!

  • Personal information, including:

    • Year, university, and field of study

    • Expected graduation date

    • Demographic information

  • An uploaded and signed Host Lab Authorization Form, agreed upon by the research supervisor of the lab that you intend to join. The purpose of this letter is to:

    • Expand upon your project goals, expected roles and responsibilities, dates/time commitment of the research experience.

    • Affirm that funding from DojoGrants will not conflict with institutional policies or a student's ability to receive course credit.

    • Note: As an acknowledgement of the obstacles that underrepresented students in STEM face when pursuing research opportunities, this prerequisite will be waived for students identifying in underrepresented or disadvantaged groups. Candidates are still welcome to submit an application, and additionally have until Aug 4th at 11:59pm PDT to successfully obtain and submit a host lab authorization form separately.

  • An uploaded PDF of completed written response questions.

  • An outline of requested funding amount and details of your financial circumstance.

Preview all of the application questions here!

Finding a Lab

Finding a Lab

We recommend checking out Weizmann Institute of Science's excellent and thorough guide that walks you through how to choose, reach out to, and evaluate if a lab is a good fit for you.

We recommend checking out Weizmann Institute of Science's excellent and thorough guide that walks you through how to choose, reach out to, and evaluate if a lab is a good fit for you.



I’m not residing in the U.S. currently. Can I still apply?

How much funding do you provide?

What are other benefits or expectations associated with the grant?

How will grants be distributed if I am awarded one?

I’m an underrepresented and/or Canadian student, so I’m technically eligible for more than one award. How will my application be evaluated?

Who is reviewing applications and determining awardees?

When will I hear back about the decision for my application?

If I advance, what are the next steps?

Who are supporting these grants?

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

© 2023 Nucleate Bio, Inc.

© 2023 Nucleate Bio, Inc.

© 2023 Nucleate Bio, Inc.